Why multi-GPU does not work better?

Hi, our project is recently updated to using multi-GPU, but we found the run-time of 4-GPU is worse than single-GPU. And run-time of 2-GPU is also worse than single-GPU. Part of the our code in the following shows the basic structure we designed for multi-GPU. This structure is similarly repeated everywhere, so we were wondering if there is something we missed or misunderstood.

template< size_t term_ID, size_t power >
__global__ void interface_orm(
    int ndim, int GPU_offset, double* device_Re_valueS, double* Rule, DEVICERatioS* device_RatioS ) {

  const int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + GPU_offset;

  double xx[max_n_dim];

  for( int dim_Cindex = 0; dim_Cindex < ndim; ++dim_Cindex ) {
    double xx_shift = index * Rule[dim_Cindex]; 
    xx_shift = xx_shift - (int)xx_shift;

    const double upper = 1.0;
    const double lower = 0.0;
    xx[dim_Cindex] = lower + (upper-lower) * xx_shift;

  device_Re_valueS[index-GPU_offset] = abs( func<term_ID>( xx, device_RatioS ) );

}//end interface_orm

template< size_t term_ID, size_t power >
double orm_daC( const int& ndim, const int& in_index, GLOBAL* global ) {
  #include "constants.inc"

  for( int GPU_Cindex = 0; GPU_Cindex < global->n_GPU; ++GPU_Cindex ) {
    checkCudaErrors( cudaSetDevice(GPU_Cindex) );
    int GPU_offset = GPU_Cindex*n_T2/global->n_GPU;
    interface_orm<term_ID, power>
      <<< n_block_T2/global->n_GPU, block_size, 0, global->GPUBagS[GPU_Cindex].stream >>>
      ( ndim, GPU_offset,
        global->GPUBagS[GPU_Cindex].device_RatioS );
    checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpyAsync(
        global->host_Re_valueS + GPU_offset,
    ) );
  }//endfor GPU_Cindex

  checkCudaErrors( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); // wait for synchronize

  return min( 1.0, 1.0/(*std::max_element( global->host_Re_valueS, global->host_Re_valueS+n_T2 )) );

}//end orm_daC

The GPU card is K20 and CUDA6.5 is used. Any thought or suggestion is appreciated. Thank you.

when you compare kernel and memory transfer timelines for the 2 cases: single vs multi gpu, do you note something of significance?

in words, how have you distributed the work among the multiple gpus?
(are your memory accesses still coalesced?)

You may need to use one of the profilers to get some ideas.