

in my application, I compute the local and global workgroup size as
local = device.getMaxWorkGroupSize()
global = ceil(elementCnt.toDouble / workGroupSize.toDouble).toInt
and execute the kernel: queue.put1DRangeKernel(ren, 0, globalGroupSize, workGroupSize)

But I become a Exception:
Exception in thread “main” com.jogamp.opencl.CLException$CLInvalidWorkGroupSizeException: can not enqueue 1DRangeKernel: CLKernel [id: 140103050402880 name: computeImage]
with gwo: null gws: {7530} lws: {255}
cond.: null events: null
error: CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE (man page:

I has a nvidia geforce 9800 GT. What is the reason for the exception? I asked how much local items i can use and execute the kernel.

Thanks, Thomas

try increase workgroup from 64 to 512, so first 64, after 128 and so on. Maybe MaxWorkGroupSize is not returning the true Max:P

try increase workgroup from 64 to 512, so first 64, after 128 and so on. Maybe MaxWorkGroupSize is not returning the true Max:P