When I was training the model I have tested the model with some batch of pictures.
I got +/- 98% mAP on the dataset.
I have used the same dataset in my deepstream pipeline and I see some differences.
Some bboxes are just a little moved, some are not drawn at all.
I was trying to change some yolov3_config values (net-scale-factor, nms-iou-threshold etc) what is passed to nvinfer (config-file-path) but still the final mAP is much worse.
And maybe it’s important:
For instance for some picture, where I have 3 objects, confidence for all of them is above 60% (pytorch pipeline)
However, when I use deepstream pipeline (so the model is converted via trt) - the confidence is much lower (like 20-30%).
Yes, please append your config file.
Besides please provide complete information as applicable to your setup, thanks.
• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU)
• DeepStream Version
• JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only)
• TensorRT Version
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only)
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs)
• How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for bugs. Including which sample app is using, the configuration files content, the command line used and other details for reproducing)
• Requirement details( This is for new requirement. Including the module name-for which plugin or for which sample application, the function description)
• The pipeline being used
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.