YoloV3 without Batched NMS post processing code

I am using TAO Toolkit version 5.3.0 and has trained a YoloV3 model, which on conversion adds the BatchedNMS layer to it, which was not supported on my embedded device.

So I removed the Batched NMS layer as mentioned in this discussion.

Requesting you help me with the post processing/inference code for the same withou BatchedNMS in it.

Thanks & Regards,
Abhimanyu K S

The official code of the BatchedNMS plugin is in TensorRT/plugin/batchedNMSPlugin at 23.08 · NVIDIA/TensorRT · GitHub.
If the plugin exists, the boxes and scores are the two inputs of the batchedNMSPlugin.
If you already remove the plugin, you can do the post-processing against the boxes and scores directly.

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