YUV444P Video Decoding with FFmpeg error: CUDA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: operation not supported



I got following error when using GPU acceleration decoding YUV444p pixel format, h264 codec videos with FFmpeg, the CPU path works fine with the same video. Could anyone give me some insights on this?

[h264_cuvid @ 00000222758DE5C0] ctx->cvdl->cuvidCreateDecoder(&ctx->cudecoder, &cuinfo) failed -> CUDA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: operation not supported
[h264_cuvid @ 00000222758DE5C0] ctx->cvdl->cuvidDecodePicture(ctx->cudecoder, picparams) failed -> CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: invalid resource handle
[h264_cuvid @ 00000222758DE5C0] cuvid decode callback error

The same codes works for yuv420p videos, so I am imagining the problem is related to YUV444P pixel format. However, as far as I know, NVIDIA GPU does support 8 bits YUV444P, NV12 and so on… Am I missing anything here?

[h264_cuvid @ 00000222758DE5C0] CUVID capabilities for h264_cuvid:
[h264_cuvid @ 00000222758DE5C0] 8 bit: supported: 1, min_width: 48, max_width: 4096, min_height: 16, max_height: 4096
[h264_cuvid @ 00000222758DE5C0] 10 bit: supported: 0, min_width: 0, max_width: 0, min_height: 0, max_height: 0
[h264_cuvid @ 00000222758DE5C0] 12 bit: supported: 0, min_width: 0, max_width: 0, min_height: 0, max_height: 0

It does nor support 444 for AVC. Only for hevc.

Same for ffmpeg.exe -hwaccel cuda -i .\8.mp4 -f null -

Also yuv444p8 is not NV12. NV12 is only enough for yuv420p8. Not enough for yuv420p10 or yuv422p8.