2D-FFT Benchmarks on Jetson AGX with various precisions


I just started evaluating the Jetson Xavier AGX (32 GB) for processing of a massive amount of 2D FFTs with cuFFT in real-time and encountered some problems/ questions:

  1. The GPU has 512 Cuda Cores and runs at 1.37 GHz, so I would expect a theoretical performance of 1.4 TFLOPS for FP32. However, all information I found are details to FP16 with 11 TFLOPS. Why is the difference such significant between FP16 and FP32? E.g, for a RTX 2080 TI the difference between FP32 (13.45 TFLOPS) and FP16 (26.9 TFLOPS) is just a factor of two.

  2. I tested FFTs with cufftXtMakePlanMany with CUDA_C_16F as execution type. I measured the performance without cudaMemcpy operations, I just called cufftExecC2C repeatedly on the same data. However, I have no performance gain from FP32 to FP16 but a performance decrease by factor two. Is the cuFFT not optimized for FP16? Should there be a performance gain? cuFFT :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation asserts: “Half-precision (16-bit floating point), single-precision (32-bit floating point) and double-precision (64-bit floating point). Transforms of lower precision have higher performance.”

  3. I tried to perform integer FFTs. I created a plan with execution type CUDA_C_32I. The Input data is of type long2. However, the result of cufftXtExec is only zero. I have not found any example of cuFFT with CUDA_C_32I. Does cuFFT support integers?

Kind regards,


Could you share the document of this score with us first.
Since we have different Jetson platform, just want to make sure you are using the correct information.

Would you provide the source of your implementation so we can give it a check?

cuFFT supports following format:

Half-precision (16-bit floating point), single-precision (32-bit floating point) and double-precision (64-bit floating point).

Integer is not supported.



thank you for your reply.

I use a NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier with 32 GB LPDDR4

  • Jetpack 4.4 DP [L4T 32.4.2]
  • Linux jetson-01 4.9.140-tegra #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 8 18:15:20 PDT 2020 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
  • NV Power Mode: MAXN - Type: 0
  • Board:
    • Board(s): P2888-0001, P2822-0000
    • Code Name: galen
    • GPU-Arch: 7.2
    • SN: 1420820014613
    • SOC: tegra194 - ID:25
    • Type: AGX Xavier

theoretical performance

The webpage https://devblogs.nvidia.com/nvidia-jetson-agx-xavier-32-teraops-ai-robotics/?ncid=so-fac-mdjngxxrmllhml-69163 asserts that the “Jetson AGX Xavier integrated Volta GPU […] provides 512 CUDA cores and 64 Tensor Cores for up to 11 TFLOPS FP16”. There is no source FP32.

For consumer GPUs like the RTX2080Ti I get theoretical performance numbers from e.g. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Specs | TechPowerUp GPU Database (I have not found a Nvidia link with FP16 performance numbers). The FP32 performance is given with 13.45 TFLOPS for FP32 and 26.9 TFLOPS for FP16.
When I multiply the boost clock (1.545 GHz) times the number of Cuda-Cores (4352) times two (MAC-Operation) I get the theoretical performance for FP32: 13.45 TFLOPS.

I did the same calculation for the Jetson: 1.4 GHz x 512 CudaCores x 2 and got 1.4 TFLOPS (FP32). However, this number is far lower as expected: factor 7.8 instead of 2 between float and half. So I assume that my calculation for FP32 is not correct.


My source code to compare FP16 and FP32 FFTs is attached at the end.

I get the following numbers show the total time and the (time per 2D-FFT).

float2 (FP32)

$ ./fft_benchmark 0
============ Results ============
0.45727s (0.0017862s)
0.45041s (0.0017594s)
0.45718s (0.0017859s)
0.45253s (0.0017677s)

and half2 (FP16)

$ ./fft_benchmark 1
============ Results ============
0.85723s (0.0033486s)
0.85767s (0.0033503s)
0.85755s (0.0033498s)
0.85751s (0.0033497s)

The transformation with FP32 are by factor two faster than FP16. This should be reverse.

Best regards,

Source Code:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cufft.h>
#include <cufftw.h>

#include <cuda_fp16.h>

#include <helper_cuda.h>
#include <helper_functions.h>
#include <cufftXt.h>

#include <type_traits>
#include <cmath>

unsigned int seed = 82586461;

half2 gen_rand_half(){
  return half2 {
    half(static_cast<float>(rand_r(&seed) % 64 - 32)/16),

float2 gen_rand_float(){
  return float2 {
    static_cast<float>(rand_r(&seed) % 64 -32)/16,

//template <typename T>
//void perform(int width, int height, int batch_size, int iteration_count, int repetitions)
template <typename T>
void perform(const std::vector<T>& h_data, int width, int height, int batch_size, int iteration_count, int repetitions)
  auto frame_size = width * height;

  // create device pointer
  cufftComplex* d_data;
  cufftComplex* d_data_transformed;

  size_t d_data_bytes = sizeof(T) * frame_size * batch_size;
  cudaMalloc((void **)&d_data, d_data_bytes);
  cudaMalloc((void **)&d_data_transformed, d_data_bytes);
  cudaMemcpy(d_data, h_data.data(), d_data_bytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
  std::vector<double> timings(repetitions, -1.0);

  int rank = 2;
  long long n[rank] = {height, width};
  long long int idist = height * width;
  long long int odist = height * width;
  long long inembed[] = {height, width};
  long long onembed[] = {height, width};
  int istride = 1;
  int ostride = 1;
  size_t workSize = 0;

  cufftHandle plan;

  if(std::is_same<T, half2>::value){
        plan                  // cufftHandle plan
      , rank                  // int rank,
      , n                 // long long *n,
      , inembed                 // long long *inembed,
      , istride                 // long long istride, 
      , idist                 // long long idist, 
      , CUDA_C_16F                  // cudaDataType inputtype, 
      , onembed                  // long long *onembed, 
      , ostride                 // long long ostride, 
      , odist                 // long long odist, 
      , CUDA_C_16F                  // cudaDataType outputtype, 
      , batch_size                 // long long batch, 
      , &workSize                 // size_t *workSize, 
      , CUDA_C_16F                  // cudaDataType executiontype
  } else if(std::is_same<T, float2>::value) {
        plan                  // cufftHandle plan
      , rank                  // int rank,
      , n                 // long long *n,
      , inembed                 // long long *inembed,
      , istride                 // long long istride, 
      , idist                 // long long idist, 
      , CUDA_C_32F                  // cudaDataType inputtype, 
      , onembed                  // long long *onembed, 
      , ostride                 // long long ostride, 
      , odist                 // long long odist, 
      , CUDA_C_32F                  // cudaDataType outputtype, 
      , batch_size                 // long long batch, 
      , &workSize                 // size_t *workSize, 
      , CUDA_C_32F                  // cudaDataType executiontype

  // warmup
  cufftXtExec(plan, d_data, d_data_transformed, CUFFT_FORWARD);

  for(int r = 0; r < repetitions; ++r){
    // perform benchmark
    auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

    #pragma unroll
    for (int i = 0; i < iteration_count; ++i){
      cufftXtExec(plan, d_data, d_data_transformed, CUFFT_FORWARD);     

    // TODO use cuda events to time kernel execution?
    auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    // timing evaluation
    double time_taken = static_cast<double>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end - start).count()) / 1000 / 1000;
    timings.at(r) = time_taken;

  std::cout << "============ Results ============" << std::endl;
  for(auto e : timings){
    std::cout << std::setw(10) << std::setprecision(5) << e;
    std::cout << "s (" << std::setprecision(5);
    std::cout << e/(batch_size * iteration_count) << "s)" << std::endl;


void perform_(int type, int width, int height, int batch_size, int iteration_count, int repetitions){
  if(type == 0){
    std::vector<float2> h_data(width*height * batch_size);   
    std::generate(h_data.begin(), h_data.end(), gen_rand_float);
    perform<float2>(h_data, width, height, batch_size, iteration_count, repetitions);
  } else if(type == 1){
    std::vector<half2> h_data(width*height * batch_size);
    std::generate(h_data.begin(), h_data.end(), gen_rand_half);
    perform<half2>(h_data, width, height, batch_size, iteration_count, repetitions);



#include <iostream>

extern void perform_(int type, int width, int height, int batch_size, int iteration_count, int repetitions);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int type = 0;
  if(argc > 1){ 
    type = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);  

  int width = 2048;
  int height = 2048;
  int batch_size = 16;
  int iteration_count = 16;
  int repetitions = 4;

  perform_(type, width, height, batch_size, iteration_count, repetitions);

  return 0;


In the following the GPU activities for FFT with float2 and half2 from nvprof. The number of points, etc. are the same, only the datatype different.

Float (32 Bit)

89.041ms     spRadix0064B::kernel1Mem
88.239ms     spRadix0032B::kernel1Mem
81.588ms     vector_fft
64.352ms     [CUDA memcpy HtoD]

Half (16 Bit)

445.76ms     regular_fft
44.192ms     vector_fft
32.091ms     [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
  • Memcpy for half is as expected: half the time of float
  • vector_fft for half is as expected: half the time of float
  • regular_fft takes significant more time as spRadix0064B and spRadix0032B, not as expected

Why is regular_fft used for half? Is there no optimized version for half?

Best regards,


Sorry for the late reply.
We are going to reproduce this issue in our environment.

Just want to check this first.
Have you maximized the processor clock before benchmarking?

sudo jetson_clocks



There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks