I have a question about the contents of “Power Tree Changes” in “PLATFORM_ADAPTATION_AND_BRING-UP_GUIDE (DA_08477-001) _Tegra Linux Driver Package for Jetson TX2”.
There is a description as follows.
"The Jetson P2597 baseboard has a GPIO expander. Some of the pins on the GPIO expander are used as a GPIO regulator.
One such usage is to enable vbus-2-supply which is powered using vdd_usb2_5v GPIO regulator. "
Where does the “vdd_usb2_5v GPIO regulator” shown here specifically refer to the P2597’s circuit diagram?
If anyone can understand it, I would appreciate it if you could teach me.
you’ll see following by checking the device tree sources. it’s pin to provide 5v for your usage.
for example, $L4T_Sources/r32.5/Linux_for_Tegra/source/public/hardware/nvidia/platform/t18x/common/kernel-dts/t18x-common-platforms/tegra186-cvb-prod-p2597-b00-p3310-1000-a00-00.dtsi
Is it correct to interpret that “vdd_usb2_5v” in the device tree corresponds to “GPIO_EXP_P17_3V3” connected to U29 (TCA9539, I2C device address 0x74) and Pin20 on Page21of34 of the P2597 circuit diagram?