About Riva ASR Concurrency performance

Hardware - GPU (T4: tegra23x )
Hardware - Jetson AGX Orin Develop kit
Operating System
ubuntu 20.04 focal, Jetpack 5.1.2

I am trying to understand concurrent Audio streams using Nvidia RIVA for transcription. Currently I use one Jetson AGX Orin 32G ram device to run riva_asr_client in docker. I get below result as the following pic:

I run 20 asr requests and riva takes 4.6 secs to complete all requests then return,
but I run 1 asr requests and riva takes 1.05 secs to complete .

Comparing the two results, it seems that riva will not return the results until it has processed multiple asr requests. I would like to ask if Riva Speech supports simultaneous speech recognition and translation for multiple people on Jetson orin devices?

Hi @fuchun.mai

Thanks for your interest in Riva

It is currently not supported


Concurrent Audio streams using Nvidia RIVA for transcription is not supported on Jetson AGX Orin。 For GPU server, Concurrent Audio streams using Nvidia RIVA is also not supported?
