Hardware - GPU (T4: tegra23x )
Hardware - Jetson AGX Orin Develop kit
Operating System
ubuntu 20.04 focal, Jetpack 5.1.2
I am trying to understand concurrent Audio streams using Nvidia RIVA for transcription. Currently I use one Jetson AGX Orin 32G ram device to run riva_asr_client in docker. I get below result as the following pic:
I run 20 asr requests and riva takes 4.6 secs to complete all requests then return,
but I run 1 asr requests and riva takes 1.05 secs to complete .
Comparing the two results, it seems that riva will not return the results until it has processed multiple asr requests. I would like to ask if Riva Speech supports simultaneous speech recognition and translation for multiple people on Jetson orin devices?