Hardware - AGX Orin
Hardware - CPU
Operating System:Ubuntu 20.04
Riva Version :2.8.1
Currently, when using a Mandarin model with a microphone, the following issues may arise:
- Poor accuracy in single-person daily conversations.
- Unsatisfactory results in multi-person conversations for speech recognition.
- Word boosting, such as for specific terms like company names, does not improve accuracy. Is it possible that provide a C++ example?
Thank you for your help.
HI @u9713112
Thanks for your interest in Riva,
Kindly request to provide more information
Poor accuracy in single-person daily conversations - Can you record and share the voice samples used anlong with accuracy values
Unsatisfactory results in multi-person conversations for speech recognition. - Can you record and share the voice sample and provide more details on what is unsatisfactory in the results
- Word boosting, such as for specific terms like company names, does not improve accuracy. Is it possible that provide a C++ example?
Please find the word boosting example
riva_streaming_asr_client --audio_file=audio_file.wav --boosted_words_file=boosted_words_file.txt --boosted_words_score=100. --interim_results=false
should contain the list of words that need to be boosted (one word on each line)