Accurate RGB color output via HDMI on Jetson TX2 - Reopen


Unfortunately, other topics have come up lately, so I am just getting back to it now.

Last I opened a thread on this topic here: Accurate RGB color output via HDMI on Jetson TX2 - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson TX2 - NVIDIA Developer Forums

In response to my request, you suggested the following post: Full range RGB strange behavior on Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit - #23 by cdsousa

We tried changing these parameters, but this did not result in accurate color output for us.

In following the results:

The right axis represents the expected RGB value, the left axis represents the received:

We started with xorg.conf set to Limited ColorRange:

Default - CMU_Enable 1, Force User Degamma 0
Suggested in post - CMU_Enable 0, Force User Degamma 1

Then with xorg.conf set to Full ColorRange

Default - CMU_Enable 1, Force User Degamma 0
Suggested in post -CMU_Enable 0, Force User Degamma 1

We also tried the others Parameter combinations (CMU_Enable 1, Force User Degamma 1 and CMU_Enable 0, Force User Degamma 0)

Do you have another proposal?

Best regards



Sorry that we don’t guarantee the bit wise precision on Jetson.

we were already able to ensure this with an older Jetpack version.
Shouldn’t it then also be possible with the current version?


Can you explain me, why this is not the standard behavior?
Are there internal color space conversions?

Best Regards,

Please check the display controller section in TRM.

There are multiple conversion since the beginning of display rendering.

It seams there is an eror in download page.
I can’t download TRM for X2, only for orin. Is the Display section the same?

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