Add external graphics card on Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit


I’m interested by the Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit (see ) and it seems to have an external PCIe X16.
Do you think it will be possible to add an external graphics card (like some RTX card) ?
Thank you.

At the moment, no. The drivers for the integrated GPU work only when the GPU is integrated directly to the memory controller, whereas external GPUs are used over PCIe. The drivers are incompatible. There are some arm64 drivers at some download URLs, but those are intended for data warehouse arm64, and are unlikely to work with a Jetson. I’ve seen people ask about this, and I suspect NVIDIA is considering it, but I have not heard of such a thing being implemented (yet).

Thank you for the answer :)

I installed a “GTX 1080TI” graphics card on the AGX and made it display the screen normally.

But it seems that it can only be used to display.

Those cards, when used with CUDA, require the nvidia-smi application to find it. There is no nvidia-smi for the Jetsons (at least so far as I am aware).

Please watch this video, I installed the driver released by nvidia for arm64 platform.

It can use tensorflow-gpu for some simple training

I’m impressed with that. Do both of these commands function correctly?

Does the monitor also function with graphical mode using the integrated GPU? It looked like the HDMI was through the discrete GPU.

Just for fun: How long does this last on batteries? :P

Let me reply one by one.

  1. First of all, nvidia-smi is used normally. I have not tested the tegrastats command.

  2. After starting in this way, the integrated GPU will not be able to use graphics mode, it can only work in character mode, just like a dual graphics laptop.

  3. For battery power supply, the use time depends on the amount of GPU calculations on the one hand, and on the other hand, it depends on whether the extended power supply of the graphics card is provided by batteries.

This is awesome! May I ask if you have extra power supply for gpu only?
