Address out of bounds when using mma instructions

Hi, I’m trying to use mma.sync.aligned.m16n8k8.row.col.f32.tf32.tf32.f32 to do matrix multiplication in Tensor Cores. But it goes wrong when call this instruction.
And the compute-sanitizer shows:

========= Invalid __global__ write of size 4 bytes
=========     at 0x6ad0 in /home/zhaohs/test1/spmm_compute/src/mma_tf32.h:321:tf32_computeX32(const bool *, const bool *, const unsigned int *, const float *, const unsigned int *, const unsigned int *, const float *, float *, unsigned int, unsigned int)
=========     by thread (0,0,0) in block (0,0,0)
=========     Address 0x7f2e33201400 is out of bounds
=========     and is 1 bytes after the nearest allocation at 0x7f2e33201000 of size 1,024 bytes
=========     Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at kernel launch time
=========     Host Frame: [0x32e950]
=========                in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
=========     Host Frame:__cudart819 [0x1072b]
=========                in /home/zhaohs/test1/spmm_compute/./mma_tf32
=========     Host Frame:cudaLaunchKernel [0x6da38]
=========                in /home/zhaohs/test1/spmm_compute/./mma_tf32
=========     Host Frame:src/mma_tf32.h:91:tf32_computeX32(bool const*, bool const*, unsigned int const*, float const*, unsigned int const*, unsigned int const*, float const*, float*, unsigned int, unsigned int) [0x5e0d]
=========                in /home/zhaohs/test1/spmm_compute/./mma_tf32
=========     Host Frame:src/<float>&, COO<float>*) [0x75b7]
=========                in /home/zhaohs/test1/spmm_compute/./mma_tf32
=========     Host Frame:src/ [0x570d]
=========                in /home/zhaohs/test1/spmm_compute/./mma_tf32
=========     Host Frame:../csu/libc-start.c:342:__libc_start_main [0x24083]
=========                in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
=========     Host Frame:_start [0x5aae]
=========                in /home/zhaohs/test1/spmm_compute/./mma_tf32

Everything goes well without calling the mma instruction.
Could anyone help to solve this problem?

Without showing code, or even better, a minimal reproducer, it will be impossible to help.

Hi, the code is below, before calling mma instruction, it shows 0 errors in compute-sanitizer.

void tf32_computeX32(
    const BIT_TYPE*     __restrict__    d_rowWndOffsetBit, 
    const BIT_TYPE*     __restrict__    d_tcLocalBit, 
    const vint*         __restrict__    d_sparseA2B,
    const MAT_VAL_TYPE* __restrict__    d_valueA,
    const MAT_PTR_TYPE* __restrict__    d_block2Idx,
    const vint*         __restrict__    d_data2Idx,
    const MAT_VAL_TYPE* __restrict__    d_MatB, 
    MAT_VAL_TYPE* d_MatC,
    const vint numNodes,
    const vint feature_dim
) {
    using ARegisters = MAT_VAL_TYPE[4];
    using BRegisters = MAT_VAL_TYPE[2];    
    using CRegisters = MAT_VAL_TYPE[4];
    ARegisters fragA;
    BRegisters fragB;
    CRegisters fragC = {0.0};

    const vint bid            =   blockIdx.x;
    const vint laneid         =   31 & threadIdx.x;
    const vint warpSize       =   blockDim.x;
    const vint threadPerBlk   =   blockDim.x * blockDim.y;
    const vint dimTileNum     =   feature_dim / COL_WINDOW;
    const vint tid            =   threadIdx.y * warpSize + laneid;  // local thread ID
    // const vint global_warpID  =   (global_tid >> 5) * WARP_NUM;
    const vint local_warpID   =   threadIdx.y;

    int groupID         =   laneid >> 2;
    int tID_in_group    =   3 & laneid;

    // load A
    vint row02           =   groupID;
    vint row13           =   groupID + 8;
    vint col01           =   tID_in_group;
    vint col23           =   tID_in_group + 4;

    vint row_b0  =   tID_in_group;
    vint row_b1  =   tID_in_group + 4;
    vint col_b   =   groupID;

    vint row_c01 = groupID;
    vint row_c23 = groupID + 8;

    vint dense_rowIdx_off = laneid & 3;
    vint denseDimIdx  = (laneid >> 2) + local_warpID * COL_WINDOW;
    vint denseDimIdx1 = denseDimIdx + 8;
    constexpr const int inst_m  = 16;
    constexpr const int inst_k  = 8;
    constexpr const int inst_n  = 8;

    constexpr const int mat_len = inst_m * inst_k;
    constexpr const int idx_len = inst_n;

    __shared__ MAT_VAL_TYPE d_sharedSparseA[2 * mat_len];
    __shared__ vint         d_sharedSparseA2B[2 * idx_len];
    MAT_VAL_TYPE            d_denseB[inst_m * inst_n];
    int saPtr = __cvta_generic_to_shared(d_sharedSparseA);
    int siPtr = __cvta_generic_to_shared(d_sharedSparseA2B);
    MAT_PTR_TYPE start_blk_idx  = d_block2Idx[bid];
    MAT_PTR_TYPE end_blk_idx    = d_block2Idx[bid+1];

    vint start_data_idx = d_data2Idx[start_blk_idx];
    vint end_data_idx   = d_data2Idx[start_blk_idx+1];

    const vint denseBound = numNodes * feature_dim;

    #pragma unroll
    for(vint i = tid; i < mat_len; i += threadPerBlk) {
        d_sharedSparseA[i] = (d_tcLocalBit[i + inst_k * inst_m * start_blk_idx] == false) ? 
            0.0 : d_valueA[start_data_idx +  
                        inst_k * inst_m * start_blk_idx, i + inst_k * inst_m * start_blk_idx, d_tcLocalBit)];
    if(tid < inst_k) {
        d_sharedSparseA2B[tid] = d_sparseA2B[start_blk_idx * inst_m + tid];

    for(vint tc_block = start_blk_idx + 1; tc_block < end_blk_idx; ++tc_block) { 
        vint start_idx = tc_block * ROW_WINDOW * COL_WINDOW;
        vint start_col_idx = tc_block * COL_WINDOW;

        vint shared_mem_sel = ((tc_block - start_blk_idx) & 1) ^ 1;
        vint shared_mem_sel_next = ((tc_block - start_blk_idx - 1) & 1) ^ 1;

        if(local_warpID < dimTileNum) {
            vint dense_rowIdx0 = d_sharedSparseA2B[(shared_mem_sel << 3) + dense_rowIdx_off];
            vint dense_rowIdx1 = d_sharedSparseA2B[(shared_mem_sel << 3) + dense_rowIdx_off + 4];

            if(dense_rowIdx0 > numNodes) {
                fragB[0] = 1.0;
            else {
                vint sourceIdx0 = dense_rowIdx0 * feature_dim + denseDimIdx;
                fragB[0] = d_MatB[sourceIdx0];
            if(dense_rowIdx1 > numNodes) {
                fragB[1] = 0.0;
            } else {
                vint sourceIdx1 = dense_rowIdx1 * feature_dim + denseDimIdx;
                // fragB[1] = load_fp32_from_global(d_MatB + sourceIdx1);
                fragB[1] = d_MatB[sourceIdx1];

            vint start_data_idx_inner = d_data2Idx[tc_block];
            vint end_data_idx_inner   = d_data2Idx[tc_block+1];

            #pragma unroll
            for(vint i = tid; i < mat_len; i += threadPerBlk) {
                MAT_VAL_TYPE val = (d_tcLocalBit[i + inst_k * inst_m * tc_block] == false) ? 
                    0.0 : d_valueA[start_data_idx_inner + get_data_idx_offset(
                        inst_k * inst_m * tc_block, i + inst_k * inst_m * tc_block, d_tcLocalBit)];
                d_sharedSparseA[i + (shared_mem_sel_next << 7)] = val;
            if(tid < inst_m) {
                vint val = d_sparseA2B[tc_block * inst_m + tid];
                d_sharedSparseA2B[(shared_mem_sel_next << 3) + tid] = val;
            fragA[0] = d_sharedSparseA[(shared_mem_sel << 7) + row02 * inst_k + col01];
            fragA[1] = d_sharedSparseA[(shared_mem_sel << 7) + row13 * inst_k + col01];
            fragA[2] = d_sharedSparseA[(shared_mem_sel << 7) + row02 * inst_k + col23];
            fragA[3] = d_sharedSparseA[(shared_mem_sel << 7) + row13 * inst_k + col23];

            vint const* A   = reinterpret_cast<vint const*>(fragA);
            vint const* B   = reinterpret_cast<vint const*>(fragB);
            float *C        = reinterpret_cast<float*>(fragC);

                "cvt.rna.tf32.f32 %4, %4;\n"
                "cvt.rna.tf32.f32 %5, %5;\n"
                "cvt.rna.tf32.f32 %6, %6;\n"
                "cvt.rna.tf32.f32 %7, %7;\n"
                "cvt.rna.tf32.f32 %8, %8;\n"
                "cvt.rna.tf32.f32 %9, %9;\n"
                "{%0, %1, %2, %3},"
                "{%4, %5, %6, %7},"
                "{%8, %9},"
                "{%0, %1, %2, %3};"
                :"+f"(C[0]), "+f"(C[1]), "+f"(C[2]), "+f"(C[3])      // output
                :"r"(A[0]), "r"(A[1]), "r"(A[2]), "r"(A[3]),
                "r"(B[0]), "r"(B[1])

Maybe someone can spot the issue from just staring at this code, but generally speaking a minimal reproducer is code that a third party can build and run to reproduce the issue. At minimum you would want to add the definitions of the user-defined types and host code that invokes this kernel.

I don’t think the error comes frommma.sync because it operates on registers. It does not write to global memory. compute-sanitizer reports line 321 as source of the error.

The posted code probably reports no error because either the invalid line of code is missing, or because the kernel is optimized away because it produces no observable output.

Thanks for your reply, I will check my code again.

As you are writing out of bounds at thread 0 of block 0, perhaps you can replace (so that the printouts actually happen) all writes with printf-ing out the addresses. That would work, if your kernel code does not depend the addresses on previous writes.

Or you put bounds checks around each write.

Or you run a debug build of the program in a debugger, which breaks at out-of-bounds memory accesses.

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Thanks you !!! That really helps a lot!

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