after install CUDA 7.5 toolkit and when I power on the server, I was deny log in though i’m pretty sure my password is correct and when I key in the password it did not say is incorrect, beside I did wrote the password down
The screen flashes for a min after I input the password and hit enter next it just stuck on the log in screen with the username.
What could be the cause? Could it be bugs and the Nvidia where CUDA install by itself during the update and installation. Though I did try using Ctrl+ALT+F1 and it allow me to go into a terminal though I did try the command of sudo and Xauthority next sudo reboot but still no go
I did a clean install of Ubuntu next download and install CUDA tool kit again. Once I shut down and power on again I would be prompt with the password log in page. Though I did input the correct password but it just wouldn’t allow me to log in
[b]"Download your relevant file: mine was:
Note, that once again this install is if you purely want to use your graphics card (Titan X) for GPU/CUDA purposes and not for rendering.
Also run: $sudo apt-get install build-essential
I start off with the regular GUI and Ubuntu working with no login problems.
No need to create an xorg.conf file. If you have one, remove it (assuming you ahve a fresh OS install). $ sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Create the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf file with :
blacklist nouveau
option nouveau modeset=0
Then $sudo update-initramfs -u
Reboot computer. Nothing should have changed in loading up menu. You should be taken to the login screen. Once there type: Ctrl + Alt + F1, and login to your user.
Go to the directory where you have the CUDA driver, and run
$chmod a+x .
Now, run $ sudo service lightdm stop
The top line is a necessary step for installing the driver.
I run the CUDA driver run file. *Notice that I explicitly don’t want the OpenGL flags to be installed:
$ sudo bash --no-opengl-libs
During the install:
Accept EULA conditions
Say YES to installing the NVIDIA driver
SAY YES to installing CUDA Toolkit + Driver
Say YES to installing CUDA Samples
Say NO rebuilding any Xserver configurations with Nvidia.
Installation should be complete. Now check if device nodes are present:
Check if /dev/nvidia* files exist. If they don’t, do :
$ sudo modprobe nvidia
Set Environment path variables:
$ export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-7.0/bin:$PATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-7.0/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
*Change depending on your cuda version.
Verify the driver version:
$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version
Check CUDA driver version:
$ nvcc -V
[Optional] At this point you can switch the lightdm back on again by doing:
$ sudo service lightdm start.
You should be able to login to your session through the GUI without any problems or login-loops.
Create CUDA Samples. Go to your NVIDIA_CUDA-7.5_Samples folder and type $make.
Go to NVIDIA_CUDA-7.5_Samples/bin/x86_64/linux/release/ for the demos, and do the two standard checks:
to see your graphics card specs and
to check if its operating correctly.
Both tests should ultimately output a ‘PASS’ in your terminal.
Reboot. Everything should be ok"[/b]
Looking at the above guide. Just a thought if I were to reinstall Cuda toolkit, could I continue to run wget to download Cuda toolkit or I should download CUDA and next install it manually?
The text editor, could i use gedit to type the stated contents in and next save the file? Was told by someone to use VIM text editor but can’t seems to locate VIM text editor in Ubuntu 14.04