你好,目前我们给自制底板+AGX Orin适配了R36.4.0的系统,也就是Jetpack6.1。
但当执行sudo apt dist-upgrade后,版本就自动升级到Jetpack6.2 R36.4.3,如下图所示:
reboot后系统还会卡死,报错call trace。
你好,目前我们给自制底板+AGX Orin适配了R36.4.0的系统,也就是Jetpack6.1。
但当执行sudo apt dist-upgrade后,版本就自动升级到Jetpack6.2 R36.4.3,如下图所示:
If you are designing a custom base board, then it means some adaptation configurations are needed.
Otherwise, your board may not work fine.
For Orin AGX series, you could refer to below document
(please be aware that above link is for rel-36.3/jetpack6.0)
This document includes below configuration
你好,不是系统本身适配的错误,目前功能都是可以正常使用的,但是在执行完sudo apt dist-upgrade后版本就自己升级到R36.4.3了,才导致无法进入系统,不执行sudo apt dist-upgrade是没问题的。
It is not the expected operation to us since that debian-based update may not work on your custom carrier board.
It is only available for the devkit.
Please reflash the board with your custom BSP package to recover.
但根据操作手册,安装jetpack的时候需要执行sudo apt dist-upgrade,我们也适配了好多个版本系统,只有这个按步骤操作反正这样的错误。
No, this command is not required when you are installing the Jetpack.
It is used when you want to perform debian-based OTA update. (e.g. from JP6.0(r36.3.0) to JP6.1(r36.4.0)).
You can find more details in Software Packages and the Update Mechanism — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation
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