I flashed my AGX Xavier to Jetpack 5.0 a few days ago. And added a nvme SSD card for storage.
However, my UFS sd card cannot be recognized now. It works fine before.
I cannot see it under /dev or use GParted. log.txt (137.3 KB)
The log of dmesg is attached here.
Another thing is that I saw this in the log and don’t understand what happened.
Hi Wayne,
Yes, it is the NV devkit and I am using the sd slot for the UFS card.
Unfortunately, I cannot roll back to Jetpack4 anymore as my host machine is Ubuntu20.04 which only supports Jatpack5.0. The previous jetpack was flashed by another student who already left our group.
The UFS card works fine before for the same board.
Another thing to mention is that I forgot to take the UFS out when I flash the board. Does it matter?
Hi Wayne,
Just want to follow up on this as I don’t know how to enable the ufs node even after searching around.
Could you help provide some specific steps that I can do?
There are multiple ways to do that. The simplest way here is to check /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf and see which dtb file is in use.
Go to that path, use dtc tool to de-compile the dtb binary back to dts source. Open that source, go to the ufs controller, set the status from “disabled” to “okay”, then compile the dts back to dtb. Replace the old file.