AGX Xavier image based Ota update process never starts from nvme

For R32, you could refer to the following instruction for boot-order.
BSP Customization - Choosing a Boot Device for Jetson AGX Xavier Series Platforms

Currently, generating OTA package for external NVMe is supported only for Xavier NX with adding --external-device.

Next release is target in Jan. If you have requirement to perform OTA update, you should focus on OTA for internal eMMC.

Please make sure you select the device to boot from eMMC in cboot and check extlinux.conf after boot up.

Is there any way to do this WITHOUT physical access to a device?

I understand this but what im trying to ask is
How do I use the OTA update tool to write to the EMMC when a device was originally flashed to the NVMe?

Again this is what I am trying to do but the process wont start due to the fact that it was originally flashed to the NVMe and will not boot from the EMMC to perform the update without physically removing the NVMe drive.

How would I do this without physical access to the device? The whole point of the OTA update is that it is Over The Air and therefore doesnt require physically touching the device to modify it.

I think you current OTA package will perform the OTA update for eMMC because you didn’t add --external-device option.

To change or select boot device, you would need the serial console or physically access to use keyboard.

Could you share the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf from your board?

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