I’ve got a simple structure:
struct SimParams {
float dt;
float dt2;// dt * dt
float3 gravity;
uint4 gridDim;// xyz = dimensions, w = cell num
float3 gridSize;
float3 cellSize;
and I found that my data become corrupted since this structure is passed to
int CudaSimulation(SSimulationInput input, SimParams &simParams);
function defined in .cu file.
The reason of corruption is that uint4 gridDim is aligned to 16-byte boundary in .cu, but not aligned in .cpp code (I compared offsets of each structure member).
uint4 is defined as follows:
struct __builtin_align__(16) uint4
unsigned int x, y, z, w;
Then I go to definition of builtin_align and see very strange things:
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__CUDABE__) || \
defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_WIN64)
#define __builtin_align__(a) \
#else /* __CUDACC__ || __CUDABE__ || __GNUC__ || _WIN64 */
#define __builtin_align__(a)
#endif /* __CUDACC__ || __CUDABE__ || __GNUC__ || _WIN64 */
uint4 is simply unaligned, in case it isn’t compiled with NVCC! I tried to enable alignment, but it resulted in a bunch of errors of MS compiler (“error C2719: ‘val’: formal parameter with __declspec(align(‘16’)) won’t be aligned”). The only way I could make everything work was to remove alignment of built-in vector types.
How is everything suppose to work?
P.S. There was some maybe similar problem discussed before, but about alignment of structures: