Argus - Memory Leak when retrieving NV12 Buffer

Hello @JerryChang,

As suggested, we migrated to JetPack 5.1.3.

As part of the previous code (first post) became deprecated (Nvbuf_utils deprecation), we looked for samples that used NvBufSurface, as suggested in nvbuf_utils to NvUtils Migration Guide.

  1. One of these samples is usr/src/jetson_multimedia_api/samples/10_argus_camera_recording:

    • This sample calls NvBufSurface if option “-c” is passed, but this mode does not work.
  2. Another inspected sample was usr/src/jetson_multimedia_api/samples/09_argus_camera_jpeg:

    • This sample seems to also call NvBufSurface, so we left it running over night to inspect memory usage;
    • The results point to a memory increase, similar to the one that started this thread :

For our use case, we need to access buffer data to retrieve Raw NV12 Images. How should we proceed?
