I just installed OptiX 3.5.1 on several machines. On the Quadro and Tesla (both still using CUDA 5.0) it works fine out of the box. However, I also installed it on a machine that already had CUDA 5.5 installed, and I get the following error:
Starting OptiX 3051 on 1 devices:
Device 0: GeForce GTX 260 with 24 multiprocessors, 512 threads per block, 1363000 kHz, 939524096 bytes global memory, 128 hardware textures, compute capability 1.3.
OptiX Error: Unknown error (Details: Function "_rtContextCompile" caught exception: Assertion failed: "instr->modifiers.CC == 0", [1312613])
Any ideas how to solve this issue? I’ve already tried installing the latest graphics drivers.
Yes, vs110 is supported (VS2012) by 3.5.1, also by CUDA 5.5. It must be something else. So have you recompiled all your files with --use_fast_math and that didn’t work?
What i am building is a library in optix, and the library project handles and compiles all the cuda stuff.
What i was refering to was a tester project for the library, it didnt have fast math.
But thats irrelevant, now everything has --use_fast_math flag :)
Can you please figure out what instruction/part of the code in your application is causing that exception? If that doesn’t help contact optix-help@nvidia.com and we’ll set up a trace recording to do the debugging
ctx->launch(0, 0, 0); throws the exception
This is from the part of code that compiles the scene graph.
The snippet is for accel caching (the exception is thrown from ctx->compile() if i turn off the accel caching)
I am using 32 bit optix and 64 bit cuda 5.5, could this be a problem? If it can, why dont the optix samples mind, and why does the project compile (im dealing with a runtime exception)?
Also i tried installing 32bit cuda, but the installer wont proceed because my machine is 64bit, wich i find very strange…
I should have been more clear: launching a context or compiling it obviously triggers the exception since the compilation process is launched, I meant: can you figure out, except for context launch and compiling, which part of your code is generating the problem?
I believe by default the OptiX samples are 64-bit. Can you try compiling your project in 64 bit mode? Another way to rule out the range of exceptions
Problem solved, I’m writing that down for others to read: check that not only the “use fast math” in the VS options is set but that the --use_fast_math is actually being issued to the nvcc command line.
Adding --use_fast_math fixed the compilation error for me. I would like to know how I can use IEEE division and square roots with OptiX in CUDA 5.5, though.