Due to the fact that pinned memory allocated by cudaHostAlloc (or cudaMallocHost) on Tegra is uncacheable,
we cannot easily asynchronously transfer memory blocks and overlap data transfers.
A simple solution to the uncacheable problem is to use Unified Memory, and we can allocate page-locked memory through cudaMallocManaged.
However, what we want to do is explicitly and asynchronously transferring memory blocks and overlapping memory transfers for performance.
Now my question is that is there any way to overlap memory transfers (and kernel executions) on Jetson TX1 (or Tegra) ?
Here is my attempts on Jetson TX1.
- transfer managed memory on the host to device memory (outside the managed mem. )through cudaMemcpyAsync.
int* managed, *device; CHECK(cudaMalloc((void **)&device, sizeof(int)*N)); CHECK(cudaMallocManaged((void **)&managed, sizeof(int)*N)); dim3 block(128); dim3 grid((SZ + block.x-1) / block.x); for(auto i = 0, n = 0; i < N-SZ; i+=SZ, ++n) { CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync((void *)(device+i), (void *)(managed+i), sizeof(int)*SZ, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, streams[n])); kernel<<<grid, block, 0, streams[n]>>>(device+i, SZ); }
Kernel executions and memory transfers(H->D) were overlapped.
- transfer device memory (outside the managed mem.) to managed mem. on the host through cudaMemcpyAsync.
for(auto i = 0, n = 0; i < N-SZ; i+=SZ, ++n) { kernel<<<grid, block, 0, streams[n]>>>(device+i, SZ); CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync((void *)(managed+i), (void *)(device+i), sizeof(int)*SZ, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, streams[n])); }
Kernel executions and memory transfers(D->H) were overlapped.
- both
for(auto i = 0, n = 0; i < N-SZ; i+=SZ, ++n) { CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync((void *)(device+i), (void *)(managed+i), sizeof(int)*SZ, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, streams[n])); kernel<<<grid, block, 0, streams[n]>>>(device+i, SZ); CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync((void *)(managed+i), (void *)(device+i), sizeof(int)*SZ, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, streams[n])); }
Every streams were completely serialized ! why ?
Thanks !