How to disable zero-copy on TX1?


I have a program that utilizes pinned memory allocated by cudaMallocHost to implement simultaneous H2D copy and kernel computation via cudaMemcpyAsync. However, some CPU code in it runs very slowly on TX1. The problem seems to be caused by zero-copy that disables memory cache on both CPU and GPU. This can be verified by the following program, which says reading from pinned memory achieves about 20% the bandwidth of reading a normal CPU buffer.

I think the best solution is to disable zero-copy on TX1; I want to use the same code for both TX1 and non-TX1 platforms.

Thanks for your help!

output on TX1:

pinned: memset: 8.567GiB/s
cpu buf: memset: 9.646GiB/s
cpu buf -> pinned: 3.639GiB/s
pinned -> cpu buf: 0.717GiB/s
cpu buf -> cpu buf: 3.519GiB/s

output on a normal linux PC:

pinned: memset: 6.724GiB/s
cpu buf: memset: 6.581GiB/s
cpu buf -> pinned: 8.910GiB/s
pinned -> cpu buf: 9.106GiB/s
cpu buf -> cpu buf: 8.907GiB/s
#include <cuda_runtime.h>

#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>

class Timer {
    clock_t m_start;



        double get_secs_reset() {
            clock_t s = m_start;
            m_start = clock();
            return (m_start - s) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

#define CUDA_CHECK(expr) do { \
    cudaError_t _err = (expr); \
    if (_err != cudaSuccess) { \
        fprintf(stderr, "%s failed: %s\n", #expr,  cudaGetErrorString(_err)); \
    } \
} while(0)

int main() {
    constexpr size_t SIZE = 1024ull * 1024 * 1024 / 2;
    constexpr double SIZE_G = SIZE / double(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
    void *ptr;
    CUDA_CHECK(cudaMallocHost(&ptr, SIZE));
    std::vector<uint8_t> buf_cpu(SIZE), buf_cpu1(SIZE);
    auto ptr1 =;
    auto ptr2 =;
    Timer timer;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
        memset(ptr, i, SIZE);
        printf("pinned: memset: %.3fGiB/s\n",
                SIZE_G / timer.get_secs_reset());
        memset(ptr1, i, SIZE);
        printf("cpu buf: memset: %.3fGiB/s\n",
                SIZE_G / timer.get_secs_reset());
        memcpy(ptr, ptr1, SIZE);
        printf("cpu buf -> pinned: %.3fGiB/s\n",
                SIZE_G / timer.get_secs_reset());
        memcpy(ptr1, ptr, SIZE);
        printf("pinned -> cpu buf: %.3fGiB/s\n",
                SIZE_G / timer.get_secs_reset());
        memcpy(ptr2, ptr1, SIZE);
        printf("cpu buf -> cpu buf: %.3fGiB/s\n",
                SIZE_G / timer.get_secs_reset());


Zero-copy memory is a mechinism to share memory pointer between CPU and GPU.
If you don’t want to use zero-copy memory, just allocate a CPU memory and GPU memory separately, and do the copy by your self.

Another alternative is the unified memory:
Depends on the physical memory location, a zero-copy memory may yield to slow access.
Unified Memory, on the other hand, decouples memory and execution spaces so that all data accesses are fast.


Hi AastaLLL,

Thanks for your reply!

I understand that allocating on CPU could avoid zero-copy; however for these two reasons I am looking for a better solution:

  1. I want to use the same code on all platforms; I have not found a macro to detect compiling on TX1
  2. I want to use pinned memory to overlap IO and computing. Although I have not tested this on TX1 and do not know whether it is feasible.




Not sure which CUDA code do you use. Could you share more information about this?

In TX1, cudaHostRegister() is not supported due to ARM architecture.
More information can be found in this topic:

Will your buffer be accessed via both CPU and GPU?
If yes, it’s recommended to use unified memory to simplify the implementation.
