AV1 Encoder C++ sample without Gstreamer


In the AGX Xavier dev-kit’s jetpack, there was a pre-installed Jetson-multimedia-api encoder sample that included code to run the H264 and H265 hardware encoder

we just got a brand new AGX Orin industrial and heard that the sample has been upgraded to support AV1. but we can’t find the Jetson-multimedia-api folder anywhere

we would like help finding it or something similar so we can compare H265 to AV1


etay markman

Please run the command:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install nvidia-l4t-jetson-multimedia-api

And check the sample at:


And the latest releases are Jetpack 5.1.3(r35.5) and 6.0GA(r36.3). If you use previous version, may consider upgrade to either latest version.

thanks, eventually found a .deb file for the API in my card and installed it.

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