The option -c is obsolete now. Please use “–auth” instead at official script. You can run my script above to confirm it. Thanks.
I tested “” not work in R32.5.0 / R32.5.1 / R32.5.2 and R32.6.1,I using R32.6.1 now. An error occurs in the Step 1: Generate Command File in r32.5*, but an error occurs in the Step 2: Sign Binaries in r32.6.1, so I think that part of it was fixed in r32.6.1.
*** Mass Flashing tarball mfi_jetson-agx-xavier-devkit.tbz2 is ready.
1. Download mfi_jetson-agx-xavier-devkit.tbz2 to each flashing hosts.
2. Untar mfi_jetson-agx-xavier-devkit.tbz2. ( tar xvjf mfi_jetson-agx-xavier-devkit.tbz2 )
3. cd mfi_jetson-agx-xavier-devkit
4. Connect Jetson boards(jetson-agx-xavier-devkit only) and put them in RCM mode.
5. ./
$ ls -la mfi_jetson-agx-xavier-devkit.tbz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 841062254 Aug 10 14:02 mfi_jetson-agx-xavier-devkit.tbz2
Sorry, I really do not quite understand what you mean it.
I think if I run, I will get fuse blob like: mfuse_jetson_xxx.tbz2. If I run, I will get flash blob like: mfi_jetson_xxx.tbz2.
Now I can build mfi_jetson_xxx.tbz2 for device flash successful, but i build mfuse_jetson_xxx.tbz2 for burning fuse failed.
README for mfuse_jetson_xxx.tbz2 is Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/README_Massfuse.txt
README for mflash_jetson_xxx.tbz2 is Linux_for_Tegra/README_Massflash.txt
here’s another way to create fuse blob offline.
please perform with board info, --noburn, and --auth options to create fuse blob locally.
note, --auth specify the current board authentication status, there’re possible values, NS (Non-Secure), PKC, and SBKPKC.
here’s example for your reference, $ sudo FAB=400 BOARDID=2888 BOARDSKU=0006 BOARDREV=B.0 ./ --noburn -i 0x19 --auth SBKPKC -p -k <pkc> --KEK2 <kek2> -S <sbk> jetson-xavier-8gb
just would like to double confirm you’re using --auth command correctly.
for example,
the options is --auth NS if you’re going to program a board without fuse before.
if you’re going to create a fuseblob of a PKC fused device, it’s --auth PKC you should used.
in addition, there’s xml file generated to include all fuse values when you complete the process.
please do review the xml file to examine all the fuse parameters before you perform to actual burning the target.