Can add a power module for P3541 B01?

hi,For example battery?

jetson nano B01的外接我这边应该怎么连接??

For RTC design, please refer to the nano Design Guide and devkit carrier schematic (P3449) in DLC.


Below two docs:

Jetson Nano Product Design Guide

Jetson Nano Developer Kit Carrier Board Design Files (P3449 B01)


Please check if below method would make RTC time work after reboot.

1. disbale NTP

# timedatectl set-ntp false

2. set time

# date -s "2019/5/26 14:11:30"
Tue May 26 14:11:30 HKT 2019
# date
Tue May 26 14:11:32 HKT 2019

3. sys time to HW clock

# hwclock -w -f /dev/rtc1
# hwclock -r
2019-05-26 14:13:50.771134+0800

4. reboot device, and check the clock

# date

Sun May 26 14:15:28 HKT 2019

Hello, the method makes RTC time work after reboot, but not after power off.
Once I power off, RTC resets to year 2000 and local/universal time to 2018.

Have you followed the DG and schematic to add the backup battery in correct way?

i didn’t add the diode ,i just add the DS3231 mode and it didn’t work.

Did you measure the voltage level of battery to make sure it provides supply correctly?

ok,i know what you means, i use the 3V voltage.

sorry ,i have used the CR2032 cell battery, 3.3V and it doesn’t work, i think should i install the DS3231 moudle in the /dev/rtc2 ???

Could you check what is your /dev/rtc is pointing to? /dev/rtc0 or /dev/rtc1?

可以請你確認一下你的nano上面的/dev/rtc 是指到哪個device? /dev/rtc0 還是 /dev/rtc1?



所以你是自己接了一個DS3231然後想要自己新增一個rtc device ?


關於這個我們沒有經驗. 所以沒辦法回答.


另外, 你的截圖上看起來你根本沒build出 kernel… 說實話這種error log你應該自己先解讀一下吧…



…你的error log目前就只是 “找不到kernel_src.tbz2”

