I want to test Xavier’s canbus interface. However, there is a problem. I perform the steps below.
sudo busybox devmem 0x0c303000 32 0x0000C400
sudo busybox devmem 0x0c303008 32 0x0000C458
sudo busybox devmem 0x0c303010 32 0x0000C400
sudo busybox devmem 0x0c303018 32 0x0000C458sudo modprobe can
sudo modprobe can-raw
sudo modprobe can-dev
sudo modprobe mttcansudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 1000000
sudo ip link set can1 type can bitrate 1000000sudo ip link set up can0
sudo ip link set up can1
After these processes, when I go the testing phase, I open two terminals and short circuit can0_rx and can0_tx.
First terminal - candump can0
Second terminal - cansend can0 123 # abcdabcd
However, I can’t see anything in first terminal. Where am I doing wrong?
Also, I do the same between can0 and can1 (short circuit can0_rx-can1_tx and can0_tx and can1_rx) but the result is the same. Can you help me?
How else can I test the Canbus interface without loopback?