Can't access GPU performance Counters

I tried to use nvidia Nsight Compute then it showed access denied on my linux system. It says it requires sudo access which I don’t have. Can someone who has sudo access can do give me access to performance counters without granting me sudo access.

I tried the solution given here . But didn’t work.

My system :-

Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Linux 5.11.0-37-generic x86_64
GPU :- Quadro P2000
Compute capability :- 6.1
CUDA version 11.2

Can someone who has sudo access can do give me access to performance counters without granting me sudo access.

Yes. A file with the .conf extension containing ‘options nvidia “NVreg_RestrictProfilingToAdminUsers=0”’ may be saved to /etc/modprobe.d. Refer instructions on the same page which you have referenced for details.

Also note that Nsight Compute does not support profiling on Quadro P2000 (which is a Pascal architecture GPU). Refer the GPU support section in the document. You will need to use nvprof or Visual Profiler.

But isn’t nvprof and nvvp gonna be deprecated soon?

nvprof and nvvp will continue to be supported till Pascal architecture GPUs are supported.