Can't boot into KDE WAYLAND session with 530.30..02

UPDATE: Finally did some more testing and I can say now that ALL desktops running under wayland will system failure to blackscreen and non-recoverable without reboot if screen hz is above 75.

This includes GNOME as I’ve did more testing now and found out that also is affected. So a pretty damn major NVIDIA bug if I do say so myself!

Also this happens on 525 and 530 drivers.

A temp fix would be to set the screen 60hz upon compositor creation/launch and after it loads set the user desired HZ rate… But it seems nobody is listening at NV, nothing new there.

back to the void…

Also this happens on 525 and 530 drivers.

What GPU do you have and which driver version were you running with the 525 series? I’m running 525.89.02 + GTX 1080 without issue on the latest KDE Plasma. It was the last 525 driver on the official nvidia-dkms package in Arch before the 530 update that broke everything, so I stuck with it instead of messing with AUR nvidia packages. Downside is it fails to build w/ Linux 6.3.x so I switched to linux-lts in the meantime.

4090, I believe the problem MAY only affect RTX cards.

Driver 525.116.04 from AUR but also 530.41.03 from main.

I could try 525.89.02 but I’ll need to dig around to see if installing it will break anything on my setup.

I believe the problem MAY only affect RTX cards.

It definitely affects pre-RTX generations since I had the same problem with my GTX 1080 on the 530 series drivers.

You can use the downgrade utility from the AUR to easily pull and install old packages from the Arch package archive (unless they’re already in your pacman cache, then it’ll use that). If you have a pacman hook for the driver and kernel, make sure linux-lts and nvidia-dkms are set as Targets in it. Also, make sure to blacklist the driver packages in your pacman config file. Worst case, if it breaks something (beyond the dkms build failure against Linux 6.3.x mentioned previously), you can just reinstall what you had.

I can also modify the PKGBUILD file to pull and use the older driver. Normally that works just fine since there is no rollback downgrade for that version of the driver that I can see.

I don’t know why NVIDIA can’t hotfix this if it did indeed work with x.89 driver.
Regressions like this are terrible. This also makes open-source look better by the day because atm, nobody in the community appears to be able to fix this issue.

I can also modify the PKGBUILD file to pull and use the older driver. Normally that works just fine since there is no rollback downgrade for that version of the driver that I can see.

Are you talking about the 525.89.02-2 packages from the Arch Archive? They should be there, I see them on (Ignore this if you’re talking about the AUR ones)

I don’t know why NVIDIA can’t hotfix this if it did indeed work with x.89 driver.
Regressions like this are terrible. This also makes open-source look better by the day because atm, nobody in the community appears to be able to fix this issue.

I’m with you on that. Open-source isn’t perfect and sometimes things take ages to fix, but they’re usually low-priority or affect very few users. Something like this, completely breaking Wayland on all compositors, would almost certainly receive a hotfix within a week, if not days. Already made up my mind that I’m going with AMD for my next GPU.

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Doesn’t matter, doesn’t work.

They have the same fault, plus to install older nvidia package you also need to roll back kernel version. Basically on top of Plasma not working at high hz, there are additional bugs happening such as DRM not working in older drivers apparently.

I tried the NVIDIA open driver but it doesn’t help and has no drm module. Plus I think its washing out my main displays colours.

UPDATE: Seems nvidia-drm module is just broken now? however I see it loads it automatically so who knows. Must not need that in the boot options anymore.

That’s unfortunate :/

Not sure what the issue here is then. Don’t recall changing anything other than my pacman hook and blacklisting the packages and it just worked, but maybe I’m forgetting something.

@amrits Any updates on this issue?

older nvidia drivers do work on newer kernels, you just need the dkms nvidia package

Also running series 525 (525.116.04 to be exact) and not facing the issue, only on 530

What GPU is that with?

I switched back to some 525 drivers (nvidia-525xx-dkms nvidia-525xx-settings nvidia-525xx-utils to be exact that are sourced from nvidia site) but primary screen over 75hz causes system lockup to blackscreen on login.

Further testing info:
Secondary screen CAN be any HZ from what I can tell provided the primary doesn’t exceed 75hz.
If I run my second screen at 120-144hz and primary at 60hz, no issue.
As soon as I run my primary above 75hz the issue occurs.

Deleting the files in ~/.local/share/kscreen/ resets the configurations back to default 60hz.

Lastly, setting 120hz on my primary WITHIN kwin wayland while logged in does not cause any issues. This bug ONLY occurs at the login/init phase of Plasma/Gnome etc…

I have tested without SDDM login manager and it still occurs so isn’t related to login manager afaik.

Again my card is a RTX 4090 on a AMD 7700x running EndeavourOS/ARCH. I have tested also on Nobara and Artix OS’s and same issue.

This seems to be a real low hanging fruit issue but I’m guessing because very few people have a RTX 40 series card and running it under Linux AND also are developers that might know whats going on, that this issue is going under the radar.

Even GloriousEggroll only has a GTX Laptop to test with.

My card is an RTX 3070 Founders Edition. Maybe you’re facing a different issue? I am running the same drivers as you (I grabbed them from the AUR) and am having no issues. It’s only with the 530 branch that I experience black screen >120hz.

This can’t be a minor issue. The issue occurs on all gpu’s on the 530 drivers from what I can see.

It’s possible the issue also exists in 525 driver for the 40 series only but in 530 driver it happens on more RTX cards.

I do know some people were complaining about 530 producing bad stutters in games (under wayland I think) but there is a different issue.

Just updated to 535 and still experience the unable to boot with 165hz display unfortunately

Can also confirm I am still facing this on 535. This is so stupid


had to go back to 525.116.04 to get 240 hz screen working under wayland.

530.41.03 only goes up to 144 hz with a 3080 ti on gentoo, kde, wayland. I have not tried 535 branch yet

@amrits bumping this as it seems you’ve forgotten about this major issue affecting a good proportion of nvidia linux users. Somehow your team has released new drivers which still haven’t fixed a bug YOU were able to repro. almost 3 months ago. Get your act together

I wish the 525 driver fixed the issue for me but it didn’t last time I tested it (tried multiple times).

Perhaps having dual monitors triggers the issue in the 525 driver, it is only a problem for me on PRIMARY screen so if I set primary to 60hz and secondary to 165hz, wayland boots, but never if I go above 75hz on primary!

The issue is made worse for me as my entire desktop locks up (no tty access, complete system failure) and I must force a reboot!

This issue also occurs for me on Fedora 38, 530.41.03 from rpmfusion, GTX 1080.

This new driver fixed the issue for me: Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD driver 535.54.03 [production branch release]