Chroot debootstrap problem : no such file or directory error trying to run X86 applications using qemu and debootstrap on ubuntu


I would like to run X86 applications on my Jetson Nano using qemu and debootstrap on ubuntu 18.04. Actually I’m following this tutorial :

this is what happened and where I’m freezed :

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# ls

chroot-stretch-i386 log-x86

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# sudo mount -t sysfs /sys/ ./chroot-stretch-i386/sys/

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# sudo mount -t proc /proc/ ./chroot-stretch-i386/proc/

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# sudo mount --bind /dev ./chroot-stretch-i386/dev/

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# sudo mount --bind /dev/pts ./chroot-stretch-i386/dev/pts

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# sudo mount --bind /dev/shm ./chroot-stretch-i386/dev/shm/

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# chroot ./chroot-stretch-i386/ /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage

chroot: impossibile eseguire il comando "/debootstrap/debootstrap": No such file or directory

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-i386-static ./chroot-stretch-i386/usr/bin/

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# sudo chroot ./chroot-stretch-i386/ /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage

chroot: impossibile eseguire il comando "/debootstrap/debootstrap": No such file or directory

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# sudo !!

sudo sudo chroot ./chroot-stretch-i386/ /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage

chroot: impossibile eseguire il comando "/debootstrap/debootstrap": No such file or directory

root@ziomario-desktop:~/Scrivania/qemu-x86# chroot ./chroot-stretch-i386/ /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage

chroot: impossibile eseguire il comando "/debootstrap/debootstrap": No such file or directory

below u can see what should have happened :

can someone help me with this ? I can give you access to my jetson nano.

We never tried that, not sure how it’s working.
May other developers to share experiences if they done something similar.