Collection Data for Detection is not training?


I collect my data with
camera-capture /dev/video1 and did same thing in this page:

and training data with

python3 --dataset-type=voc --data=data/kurucu --model-dir=models/kurucu --batch-size=2 --epochs=1

like this video that nvidia shared:

but it shows me this:


It seems the error message is cropped out in the screenshot.
Would you mind to share us a complete one?


no it’s not cropped out. After that terminal shows:

this is what i’m writing here.

sadsavunma@sadsavunma-desktop:/media/sadsavunma/SD/jetson-inference/python/training/detection/ssd$ python3 --dataset-type=voc --data=data/kurucu --model-dir=models/kurucu --batch-size=2 --workers=1 --epochs=1
2020-10-15 09:25:34 - Using CUDA...
2020-10-15 09:25:34 - Namespace(balance_data=False, base_net=None, base_net_lr=0.001, batch_size=2, checkpoint_folder='models/kurucu', dataset_type='voc', datasets=['data/kurucu'], debug_steps=10, extra_layers_lr=None, freeze_base_net=False, freeze_net=False, gamma=0.1, lr=0.01, mb2_width_mult=1.0, milestones='80,100', momentum=0.9, net='mb1-ssd', num_epochs=1, num_workers=1, pretrained_ssd='models/mobilenet-v1-ssd-mp-0_675.pth', resume=None, scheduler='cosine', t_max=100, use_cuda=True, validation_epochs=1, weight_decay=0.0005)
2020-10-15 09:25:34 - Prepare training datasets.
2020-10-15 09:25:34 - VOC Labels read from file: ('BACKGROUND', 'ataturk')
2020-10-15 09:25:34 - Stored labels into file models/kurucu/labels.txt.
2020-10-15 09:25:34 - Train dataset size: 24
2020-10-15 09:25:34 - Prepare Validation datasets.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 243, in <module>
    target_transform=target_transform, is_test=True)
  File "/media/sadsavunma/SD/jetson-inference/python/training/detection/ssd/vision/datasets/", line 24, in __init__
    self.ids = self._read_image_ids(image_sets_file)
  File "/media/sadsavunma/SD/jetson-inference/python/training/detection/ssd/vision/datasets/", line 91, in _read_image_ids
    with open(image_sets_file) as f:

Can you check if the ImageSets/Main directory of your dataset contains the following files?

test.txt train.txt trainval.txt val.txt

If you are missing some of those, can you replicate the file that does exist? For example, cp train.txt test.txt, ect.

Does not contain test.txt but others dont remember and i tried today for classification the datasets but same problem happened but now I can’t give the error because I don’t use it.

OK, my guess is that you may have train.txt, but not the others - so copy train.txt so you also have test.txt trainval.txt val.txt. I will have to add a better error message about this in the future.

The classification mode of the camera-capture tool saves the datasets in a structure for classification training only. And the detection mode of camera-capture tool saves the datasets in a structure for detection training.

Ok, thank you. I will try tomorrow

now, when run the camera-capture /dev/video1
terminal shows:
camera-capture: failed to capture RGBA image from camera
but Data Capture Control window is coming

My camera is ZED, and i don’t know how to use Raspberry Pi camera for jetson tx2, how to plug to where of Jetson TX2

Hmm I haven’t tested this with the ZED, but I do know that the ZED has both it’s left/right cameras in the same video stream, so I’m not sure that would work well in this circumstance for data annotation. The ZED would require extra pre-processing to crop out either the right or left frame.

Are you using a Jetson TX2 Developer Kit? If so, the TX2 devkit comes with an onboard MIPI CSI camera already (based on OV5693 sensor). You can try to view it by running video-viewer csi://0

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Yes TX2 developer kit and unfortunately onboard camera is not moving :)

If you run nvgstcapture-1.0 program, do you get a camera feed from the onboard camera? Does it show any image?

If your onboard camera isn’t working, you might want to try a monocular USB webcam like the Logitech C270 or C920 (or similar off-brand USB webcams can work too).

Onboard camera, usbwebcam and zed working clearly.
The second camera of the zed camera freezes when it is running, and when I do v4l2, the entire resolution for zed is not listed only.
there is no other problem.