I have just made the move to ubuntu/linux after spending all my computing life in windows and everything here is new to me.
This is everything I’ve done so far :
I have just formatted my SD card and flashed the sd card image found here : https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/learn/get-started-jetson-nano-devkit#write . Upon setting up my account, I went to the JetsonHacksNano github, GitHub - JetsonHacksNano/buildKernelAndModules: Build the Linux Kernel and Modules on board the NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit , to get the scripts for building the kernels and modules.
I am trying to get my LTE modem to work for a school project on drones and I came across this website: https://github.com/etu/gentoo-hardware-notes/blob/master/12d1:1506_Huawei_Technologies_Co._Ltd._Modem_Networkcard.org . In this guide, they mention something about kernel configs required to get the device working.
In the git clone I got from JetsonHacksNano, there was an editConfig.sh script which I was able to utilize to configure/turn on the required kernels to get my modem to work. However, I don’t know where the config file was saved to.
The config script looks like this:
# Edit the kernel configuration for NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit, L4T
# Copyright (c) 2016-19 Jetsonhacks
# MIT License
function usage
echo "usage: ./editConfig.sh [[-d directory ] | [-h]]"
echo "-d | --directory Directory path to parent of kernel"
echo "-h | --help This message"
# Iterate through command line inputs
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
case $1 in
-d | --directory ) shift
-h | --help ) usage
* ) usage
exit 1
if [ $LAST != '/' ] ; then
# Check to see if source tree is already installed
echo "Proposed source path: ""$PROPOSED_SRC_PATH"
if [ ! -d "$PROPOSED_SRC_PATH" ]; then
tput setaf 1
echo "==== Cannot find kernel source! =============== "
tput sgr0
echo "The kernel source does not appear to be installed at: "
echo "Unable to edit kernel configuration."
exit 1
sudo make menuconfig
Once I set the required configs, and I save the file, does the system automatically detect and reconfigure itself to the configs I have selected/enabled? Or do I still need to do some tweaking?
Another issue I have is that there are so many kernel files in my usr/src folder:
root@gan-desktop:/usr/src# ls
cudnn_samples_v7 nvidia
hardware public_sources
kernel public_sources.tbz2
linux-headers-4.9.140-tegra-linux_x86_64 tensorrt
Is it supposed to be like this?
Thank you for the help! Greatly appriciate it