Computer Crash After One Execution on Tesla

Hi !

Now that my drivers problem is solved, now that my library problem is solved, my computer crashes after the first execution of any of the CUDA_SDK example program.

I run one of these programs on my Tesla Card, seems to work fine. Just after that, when trying to execute another program my computer just got blocked.

Has anyone faced the same problem ?

Thanks for your help

Which driver are you using?
Have you verified that you’re using the most recent SBIOS?
Does this problem reproduce if X is not running?
Please generate and attach an nvidia-bug-report.log.

I have installed the latest drivers and indeed, the Tesla card works just fine if X is not running. Is it possible to correct that ?

The thing is that I have only one PCIe x16 slot on my PC and I had to install a old Matrox PCI graphic card on a PCI X port !! I think that there is a conflict with those two cards when starting X Server