Boson for FRAMOS is now available! Developed in partnership with FRAMOS, this carrier board seamlessly integrates any MIPI CSI-2 camera within the FRAMOS Sensor Module Ecosystem. This revolutionary joint hardware and software collaboration minimizes software development of Vision-Enabled AI applications, providing software hooks directly within the board support package.!
Jetson users ready to migrate their application from the NVIDIA Developer Kit and into a production environment not only benefit from a significant size reduction compared to the Developer Kit, but Boson for FRAMOS also doubles the MIPI CSI-2 interfaces. While the Developer Kit supplies two 2-lane MIPI connectors, Boson for FRAMOS has four FRAMOS PixelMate connectors directly on the carrier board. These connectors allow users to directly connect up to 4x 2-lane or 3x 4-lane MIPI CSI-2 cameras from the FRAMOS Sensor Module Ecosystem.
Visit Boson for FRAMOS to learn more!