Please I am working on this project “https://on24static.akamaized.net/event/25/37/22/4/rt/1/documents/resourceList1598389152860/dstltwebinarmonikav31598389151693.pdf” , in the ADD CUSTUM CODE part, I made the modifications mentioned, I got an error
deepstream-test5-app -c configs/test5_config_file_src_infer.txt
2020-09-11 01:02:01.764307: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:48] Successfully opened dynamic library libcudart.so.10.2
(deepstream-test5-app:11727): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 01:02:02.682: value “TRUE” of type ‘gboolean’ is invalid or out of range for property ‘qos’ of type ‘gboolean’
Warning: ‘input-dims’ parameter has been deprecated. Use ‘infer-dims’ instead.
(deepstream-test5-app:11727): GStreamer-WARNING **: 01:02:02.800: Element ‘sink_sub_bin1’ already has parent
** ERROR: <create_pipeline:1296>: create_pipeline failed
** ERROR: main:1419: Failed to create pipeline
App run failed
any suggestions please