CSV Resource Dumps

It would be very useful if the user object labels (as attached with glObjectLabel()) were added as a column in CSV Resource Dumps. Nsight Graphics displays this object label in the Resources Viewer, but this label is not exported to the CSV.

Currently when dumping the GL buffer object resources to a CSV file, for example, this is the output generated:

Type    Name    # Revisions     # Consumptions  Size      Memory     Format  Target  # Mips
------  ----    -----------     --------------  --------  --------   ------  ------  ------
Buffer  1 0     2               1               6291456   6291456                      
Buffer  5 0     1               365             168000    168000                        
Buffer  6 0     1               365             21000     21000                 
Buffer  7 0     1               365             168000    168000                        

where Name is the GL buffer object handle / 0.

Thanks for considering this minor addition!

It would also be useful to be able to source the resources list in the left panel of the Resources View by resource size. Not having this feature is why I was saving the resource list to a CSV file in the first place (to use a spreadsheet to do the sorting).

Related: Currently in the Resources View, there is a “Large Resources” filter you can activate, with a user-tweakable size threashold. But (as far as I can see) there’s no way to sort the matches by resource size, so that the “big fish” are all up-top.

Hello, thanks for the suggestion. Seeing the object labels would definitely be useful so we’ll investigate.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

@Dark_Photon if you switch to the details view, you can sort by size. There is a note on the details section after this reference: User Guide :: Nsight Graphics Documentation

Thanks @danprice! That definitely reveals the biggest resources.

One feature I wish this Details view had was a total size for all listed resources (i.e. all resources matching the current filter). That way I could collect GPU mem consumption for each database layer by using different filter regexes.

However, once Resources CSV Export is expanded to include the GL object label, I’ll have everything I need to generate those GPU mem consumption statistics with Nsight Graphics.

The label is now exported as of Nsight Graphics 2020.2.1, which was made available on April 21

@danprice, thanks again! I just pulled this latest version of Nsight Graphics and took this feature for a spin. It works great! This’ll be very useful going forward.

I did notice that though the 2020.2.1 release binary is named NVIDIA_Nsight_Graphics_2020.2.1.20105.msi, in the About dialog box this version calls itself:

it installs in a directory named Nsight Graphics 2020.2.0, and the shortcut is named Nsight Graphics 2020.2.0. So you might bump up this version number in the next release. But this doesn’t affect my use of the tool, so I’ll just ignore it.

Good to hear that this works for you!

Yes, the 2020.2.1 build had an oversight where the version number wasn’t bumped correctly. That’s been fixed for future releases. It shouldn’t impact usage otherwise.