CUDA 9 and AI algorithm for stereocamera


I’m trying to install this ROS packages, developed by researchers of the Hong Kong University, but i had some issues on installing CUDA 9.0 that is required for use the Tensorflow libraries at 1.12 version.

The issue is that I wasn’t able to find CUDA 9.0 and install.

I’m using:

  • OS: Ubuntu 18 LTS (despite the README on GitHub suggest to use the Ubuntu 16 LTS, if CUDA 9.0 is avaible only for ubuntu 16 LTS tell me please);
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeoForce 920 MX (on Notebook);
  • CPU: Intel i7, 7th Gen;
  • RAM: 8GB.

Thank you all in advance for the help, have a nice day!