Hello Everyone,
I have been trying to install CUDA from quite a lot of days now and I am not successful yet. I need immediate help regarding this:
(Please do not answer with the link: Installation Guide Linux :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation … I have spent enough time trying to follow the run file installation)
Laptop: LENOVO Ideapad 320 with GEFORCE 940MX
01:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM108M [GeForce 940MX] (rev a2)
Linux version
x86_64 DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="18.04.4 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS" VERSION_ID="18.04" HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" VERSION_CODENAME=bionic UBUNTU_CODENAME=bionic
gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0
Kernel version
What I have done so far:
I have newly installed Ubuntu 18.04 without NVIDIA drivers installed (trying to install drivers along with CUDA)
Downloaded run file: cuda_10.2.89_440.33.01_linux
Disabled Nouveau drivers as given in the installation guide
Reboot into text mode (run level 3) using the command:
sudo init 3
Install run file :
sudo sh cuda_10.2.89_440.33.01_linux.run
Driver Installation fails. Please let me know if I am doing something wrong. I am not interested in alternative solutions such as: package manager installation or installing driver manually.