I have a Tesla P4 GPU driver 396.37 and i trying to use this image
FROM nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:18.09-py3
But when run I get the following error
ERROR: This container was built for NVIDIA Driver Release 410 or later, but
version 396.37 was detected and compatibility mode is UNAVAILABLE.
[[CUDA Driver UNAVAILABLE (cuInit(0) returned 999)]]
Is there any compatibility list, or can you help me a compatible image for my GPU
You have a few options, I’ll mention 2 of them.
1.The 18.08 container should work with your 396.37 driver. nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:18.08-py3
- You can upgrade the driver on your machine to a 410.48 or newer driver. If you previously installed a driver using the runfile installer method, you should repeat that method with a newer driver. You can get that newer driver at [url]Official Drivers | NVIDIA If you previously installed the driver using a package manager method (e.g. sudo apt-get … ) then you should repeat that with a newer driver. In this case you could download CUDA 10 and install it. [url]http://www.nvidia.com/getcuda[/url] Use the deb install method and follow the instructions for deb install.
The driver versions for each container release are listed here: