when I use nsight system to analyize a .cu file. the warnning is CUDA driver version on the target (12.7) is not supported by this build of Nsight Systems.
I use windows to remote the Linux system. In the Linux(Ubuntu 22.04), I install the cuda verions is 11.8. using the nvidia-smi command. I can see the cuda verion is 12.7. using nvcc -V command, the cuda version is 11.8. The verion of nsight system is the lastest one released in 2024.7.1. How cna I solve this problem
The shipping Nsight Systems supports any version of the cuda toolkit >10. You have 2 versions of the CTK, both of which ship with a version of Nsys, and the one you installed.
Based on the error message, I believe that you are somehow running one of the Nsys’s that is in an older toolkit and picking up the CUPTI from a newer toolkit (Nsys uses NVIDIA CUPTI for some CUDA data under the covers).
If you explicitly pick up the 2024.7 by using absolute path, do you still see this behavior?