cuda-gdb print command issue

I am trying to debug my application using cuda-gdb. I need check values of array stored in GPU global memory. According to docs

i try use print command. But it always prints 0’s. Here is part of my code

double arr[3] =
		{ 1, 2, 3 };
		status = cublasSetVector(3, sizeof(double), &arr[0], 1,
				&(gpu_matrix->gpu_matrix_tiles[0][0]), 1);
		if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
			fprintf(stderr, "!!!! GPU access error (write)\n");
		arr[0] = 10;
		status = cublasGetVector(3, sizeof(double),
				&(gpu_matrix->gpu_matrix_tiles[0][0]), 1, arr, 1);
		if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
			fprintf(stderr, "!!!! GPU access error (read)\n");

After cublasSetVector function I execute print command
(cuda-gdb) print gpu_matrix->gpu_matrix_tiles[0][0]@3
$6 = {0, 0, 0}

As you can see it prints array of 0’s.
But cublasGetVector sets correct values to arr. Could you explain how should I use cuda-gdb print?

OS - Ubuntu.
NVIDIA (R) CUDA Debugger
5.0 release