Sorry for creating a second thread. I posted this question in another section here:
And I see no way to move the thread to this section.
So my problem is:
I’ve been trying to create a hello world of sorts as a Windows Universal program. (UWP)
Essentially calling cudaGetDeviceCount() and outputting the result.
I have done so as a Console Application no problem, but every time I try build the UWP version I get:
LNK2019 unresolved external symbol cudaGetDeviceCount referenced in function "public: __cdecl App2::MainPage::MainPage(void)" (??0MainPage@App2@@QE$AAA@XZ)
Which suggests to me that CUDA cannot be included under a UWP program. Can anyone help me get to the bottom of this? Is CUDA supported or not? If so, what must I do extra to get this simple code to work under UWP?
All help is greatly appreciated.