It seems that both the channel description and the texture have to be passed by reference, not just the channel description. Is this a typo in the programming guide, or am I missing something?
A little more detail may help it seems.
The installation is cuda 3.2.
now the vs2010 ide shows error in line cudaBindTextureToArray( texIP, m_fpGpuProjection, channelDesc ); , showing the channel desc should be a pointer and the decleraton for this function is “extern host cudaError_t CUDARTAPI cudaBindTextureToArray(const struct textureReference *texref, const struct cudaArray *array, const struct cudaChannelFormatDesc *desc);”
but if the usage is modifoed like cudaBindTextureToArray( texIP, m_fpGpuProjection, &channelDesc ); , nvcc will throw compilation error " error: no instance of overloaded function “cudaBindTexture2D” matches the argument list