I followed the instructions to install the CUDA on WSL, but when I tried to ./deviceQuery only got like below:
./deviceQuery Starting…
CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)
cudaGetDeviceCount returned 35
→ CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
Result = FAIL
- windows version: 20161.1000 (got from
) - got WSL2 runnig properly: (checked by
wsl -l -v
Ubuntu-18.04 Running 2 - nvidia driver version : 455.41 (checked on nvidia control panel)
- followed these steps : CUDA on WSL :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation , successfully installed driver but failed to run sample.
- then found this: Failure to install CUDA on WSL 2 Ubuntu - #6 by davidhsv , tried still failed on sample. the same error, seems not finding GPU.