cudaImportExternalMemory return cudaErrorIllegalAddress


I’m trying to import a directx textures in cuda, this textures are created by Unreal.
For some exotic resolution cudaImportExternalMemory return cudaErrorIllegalAddress
for the second texture recieved.
the texture are created once and never destroyed.

My code is:

struct DX12TexData
	unsigned int uniqueId = 0;	// data unique identifier
	void* handle;				// directx 12 texture handle
	ID3D12Resource* resource;	// directx 12 texture resource
	unsigned long long memSize; // texure memory size in bytes
	unsigned long long rowPitch;// row pitch in bytes
	unsigned long long rowSize;	// row size in bytes

struct CudaMemory
	void* m_cudaMem = nullptr;
	size_t m_memSize = 0;
	size_t m_rowPitch = 0;
	size_t m_rowSize = 0;
	bool m_isReallocated = false;

	explicit operator bool()const
		return m_cudaMem != nullptr;

struct CudaMappedMemory : CudaMemory
	void* handle = nullptr;
	cudaExternalMemory_t mappedMemory = nullptr;

std::unordered_map<unsigned int, CudaMappedMemory> m_externFloat16;

bool createExternalMemory(const DX12TexData& d3d12Texture)
	cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc memDesc{};
	memset(&memDesc, 0, sizeof(memDesc));

	memDesc.type = cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D12Resource;
	memDesc.handle.win32.handle = d3d12Texture.handle;
	memDesc.size = d3d12Texture.memSize;
	memDesc.flags = cudaExternalMemoryDedicated;

	m_externFloat16[d3d12Texture.uniqueId].handle = d3d12Texture.handle;
	const cudaError_t cudaError = cudaImportExternalMemory(&m_externFloat16[d3d12Texture.uniqueId].mappedMemory, &memDesc);

	if (cudaError != cudaSuccess)
		OptroLogger::Error(CURRENT_SOURCES_LOCATION, "cuda error [cudaImportExternalMemory]: %s", cudaGetErrorName(cudaError));
		return false;
	return true;

In 800x800 OK
In 1024x1024 OK
In 600x600 OK
In 900x900 KO
In 904x904 KO
In 500x500 KO

Do you have any idea ?
