cuSparse vs. cuSparseLt

In my current code I am using cusparseSpMM from cuSparse to multiply a float sparse matrix in CSR format and a float dense matrix. In order to improve performance I want to replace cusparseSpMM from cuSparse with cusparseLtMatmul from cuSpareLt. In cuSparse I used cusparseCreateCsr to Create CSR matrix descriptor. In cuSparseLt it seems cusparseLtStructuredDescriptorInit should be used for matrix descriptor initialization. But as far as I understand cusparseLtStructuredDescriptorInit does not support CSR format. How can a CSR or CSC sparse matrix can be defined or created for using cuSpraseLt functions? Can a sparse matrix in CSR format be created by cusparseCreateCsr of cuSparse and then be used by cuSparseLt functions? Thank you.

Hi @h.noori cuSPARSELt only supports structured sparsity (see Exploiting NVIDIA Ampere Structured Sparsity with cuSPARSELt | NVIDIA Technical Blog), and it can’t use any cuSPARSE objects.

Hi @jianfengy,
Thank you very much.