Debug PHY_INTR0 phy:0 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status

Hi @ShaneCCC,

Could you help to instruct how to access the NVCSI registers (NVCSI_PHY_0_NVCSI_CIL_A_CONTROL_0, NVCSI_STREAM_0_INTR_STATUS_VC0_0) for the HW debugging purpose, please ?

This is quite urgent as we are being stuck/blocked during the integration of the FPGA bridging. To progress, we need to provide more info to the FPGA designer to do some tuning on the Tx side.

Some probably relevant discussion I found is :

But I experienced the system hang/crash while trying to access the 0x15a281d8 address with devmem2.

And you said “This REG is in VI scope may need to disable the power gate to access it” in the following discussion Accessing VI_CFG_VGP1_0 register - #6 by ShaneCCC

Could you tell how to do this ?

Thanks in advance and best regards,