DeepStream can be used as a plugin for gstreamer?

I used gscam (ros gstreamer) to build the video (config and decode).
i want to accelerated teslap4 in GStreamer

Do you have the plugins for gstreamer in teslap4?

if you don’t have the plugin. can i make a plugin in deepstream?


DeepStream SDK supports custom plugin modules.
You can find relevant information in our document:

On the other hand, could you share why you prefer to enable a GStreamer plugin rather than use our pipeline with NVIDIA VideoSDK?


Hi, I was also thinking of using Gstreamer as plug-in in Deepstream for Tesla on Ubuntu 16.04

Because I want to take in RTSP stream input for Deepstream, I thought of using it similar to how on Gstreamer is used on Jetson. However it is not working well for me since they are using different hardware architecture hence different library.

Is it possible to use the NVIDIA VideoSDK to take in RTSP input for Deepstream? Can you please elaborate on how to?

hi AastaLLL:
I want to make deepstream as a plugin for gstreamer. Do you mean using deepstream lib can make a plugin for gstreamer ?

Hi, marshalltata

VideoSDK is a low-level API to do hardware-accelerated encoding/decoding.
Suppose you can find a user-space frameworks to wrap VideoSDK input and also has RTSP support.

Sorry that we don’t have too much experience for RTSP stream on Tesla.
Based on the information of this page, maybe you can give FFmpeg a try.


Hi, bingxinhu

Suppose yes.
You can design a custom implementation with plugin module.
