I attached a probe function to the sink pad of nvvideoconvert. From my knowledge, the SGIE performs inference on the objects detected by the pgie.
Resizing is performed to resize the image to match the input size of the SGIE.
In this setting, the PGIE is an object detector.
The SGIE is a non-object detector (classifier, regression, etc.)
My questions are as follows:
What kind of resizing technique / preprocessing is performed when passing the cropped images made from PGIE inference? If there are options, is there a way to control how the image is preprocessed / resized?
When the SGIE receives an object as input, are the objects from the original un-preprocessed image buffers or are they image frames that undergo the y = net-scale-factor * (x - mean) specified in the PGIE config?
The reason I am asking this is because my SGIE is outputting very erroneous outputs. FYI, I am examining the tensor values directly via the probe function by setting output-tensor-meta=1 inside of the sgie config file.
Is there a recommended way to visualize the SGIE input to ensure that the SGIE is inferencing on the correct object / image?
You can refer below link for all the supported operators list, in case any operator is not supported you need to create a custom plugin to support that operation
Also, request you to share your model and script if not shared already so that we can help you better.
Meanwhile, for some common errors and queries please refer to below link:
Thank you for the response. During the TensorRT engine generation, I did not run into any errors or issues regarding unsupported operations.
I am currently running DeepStream on the following docker image:
I will report back after running trtexecand obtaining the results.
In the meanwhile, I was wondering if I could get some answers to the following questions
What kind of resizing technique / preprocessing is performed when passing the cropped images made from the objects detected by the PGIE? If there are options, is there a way to control how the image is preprocessed / resized?
When the SGIE receives an object as input, are the objects from the original un-preprocessed image buffers or are they image frames that undergo the y = net-scale-factor * (x - mean) specified in the PGIE config?
The reason I am asking this is because my SGIE is outputting very erroneous outputs. FYI, I am examining the tensor values directly via the probe function by setting output-tensor-meta=1 inside of the sgie config file.
Is there a recommended way to visualize the SGIE input to ensure that the SGIE is inferencing on the correct object / image?
the input buffers are cached in nvstreammux, by default, 4 frames per stream.
the input of sgie is crops from the buffer cached in nvstreammux with the BBOX generated by pgie.
there is not option to config the resize method for now.
you can refer to " 2. [DS5.0GA_Jetson_dGPU_Plugin] Dump the Inference Input" in DeepStream SDK FAQ - #9 by mchi to dump the input just before tensorrt enqueue() function in sgie.
the input buffers are cached in nvstreammux, by default, 4 frames per stream.
the input of sgie is crops from the buffer cached in nvstreammux with the BBOX generated by pgie.
there is not option to config the resize method for now.
Thank you for the response. Sorry for the confusion, I omitted the nvstreammux at the front assuming that it was a given since a majority of pipelines constructed link PGIE to the nvstreammux.
the input of sgie is crops from the buffer cached in nvstreammux with the BBOX generated by pgie.
I use the following settings to transform image tensors with values [0 - 255] to [-1, 1]. Does this mean that SGIE receive the frames preprocessed (range: [-1, 1]) when fed to PGIE? Or the original input frame range [0 - 255]?
you can refer to " 2. [DS5.0GA_Jetson_dGPU_Plugin] Dump the Inference Input " in DeepStream SDK FAQ - #9 by mchi to dump the input just before tensorrt enqueue() function in sgie.
Thank you for this piece of information. I will take a look at the thread in detail and report back.
No. The setting of a GIE does not affect the input to another GIE.
GIE alwasy crops the YUV (e.g NV12) data cached in nvstreammux.
Thank you very much for the clarification!
Regarding the link that you sent me, it was very helpful. I have a question:
I noticed that the zero-padding (black) is added when maintain-aspect-ratio=1 is set. I also noticed that the zero-padding is added to the bottom of the image.
Is there a way to ensure that the zero-padding is evenly distributed on the left, top, bottom and right of the image instead of being concentrated in the bottom?