Deepstream PGIE + 2SGIE LPR, save license plate and detected vehicle only

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

• Hardware Platform (Jetson Orin Nx)
• DeepStream Version 7
• JetPack Version 6 36.3

I have deployed deepstream 7 with yolov8s as PGIE and LPD and LPR models from nvidia as SGIE, everything is running without problems, i modified test5 app to save the vehicle license plate in a NvDsVehicleObject.
My question is, how do i save the vehicle object but with the detected label and not “Vehicle” as shown in the screenshot:
I want it to be for example: |car||||license_plate| or |truck||||license_plate| and not: |Vehicle||||license_plate|, where exactly do i change this ?

In schema_fill_sample_sgie_vehicle_metadata, which is called in generate_event_msg_meta of opt\nvidia\deepstream\deepstream\sources\apps\sample_apps\deepstream-test5\deepstream_test5_app_main.c, please set the specified value to obj->type, which corresponds to “car”,“truck”.

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