Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) Jetson • DeepStream Version 6.0 • JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only) Jetpack 4.6 rev 3 • TensorRT Version 8.0.1
I have a video stream (Output of Deepstream-app) which can be visualized LOCALLY using RTSP/UDP sink or nvoverlaysink. How can I stream the output remotely? (Over a system connected on the other network).
I have changed the parameters of rtsp-port/udp-port and I am able to visualize it locally but I cannot understand how to send the RTSP/UDP stream over internet to other computer
The rtsp output is a RTSP server. Any RTSP client can access the stream if your network is configured correctly. Is your Jetson board connected in a LAN?
Please consult your network administrator to get your device’s IP.
I tried trying to do that (Used public IP of Jetson, opened a VLC on a computer on other network and tried to visualize) but couldn’t do that. Do I need to change anything in deepstream-rtsp-out code or port forwarding or firewall changes? Request help
I understand. Not to bother you much but when I tried using Public IP, I didn’t get any output at end device. I even added port forwarding in my router settings. Any reasons why I am unable to visualize?
It’s difficult to debug networking related issues as there may be NAT or firewall rules in between. Can you check if you can visiualize on host in the same LAN? If yes, then it means the stream is dropped/blocked by gateway or firewall, you need check your gateway config or considering changing port of your steam.
I could visualize on host in the same LAN but on public IP, I do not get any streams. I have checked the gateway config but I will re-check and try to change the port number. Would get back
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.