Deepstream sequential classifiers nets

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

**• Hardware Platform: **: Jetson Orin NX
• DeepStream Version : 7.0
• JetPack Version: 6.0
• Issue Type: Question

I want to inference two secondary classifiers sequentially. I have a PGIE that run traffic net to detect the vehicles and the I have a vehiclemake net to get the make of each detected vehicle. Now I have also some nets trained with vehicle models. I have a net for each make. If I use the vehiclemake net as operate-on-gie-id in the modelnet the model does not inference anything. If I set operate-on-gie-id to the PGIE net, I get results. What can I do to inference two classifiers in sequential mode?

The gie-unique-id of the vehiclemake net is 2. This is the configuration file of one of my model net:

  gpu-id: 0
  net-scale-factor: 1.0
  offsets: 103.939;116.779;123.68
  onnx-file: ../../models/vehicle_models/VOLKSWAGEN/VOLKSWAGEN_model.onnx
  model-engine-file: ../../models/vehicle_models/VOLKSWAGEN/VOLKSWAGEN_model.onnx_b2_gpu0_fp32.engine
  labelfile-path: ../../models/vehicle_models/VOLKSWAGEN/labels.txt
  #force-implicit-batch-dim: 1
  batch-size: 2
  num-detected-classes: 21
  network-mode: 0
  input-object-min-height: 64
  input-object-min-width: 64
  model-color-format: 1
  gpu-id: 0
  gie-unique-id: 37
  process-mode: 2
  operate-on-gie-id: 2
  operate-on-class-ids: 33
  is-classifier: 1
  network-type: 1
  output-blob-names: predictions
  classifier-async-mode: 1
  classifier-threshold: 0.01  
  infer-dims: 3;224;224
  maintain-aspect-ratio: 0
  output-tensor-meta: 0

We cannot support the sequential classifier nets. The classifier can only process the detected data and cannot infer the data from another classfier.

Ok thanks!

What do you thing is the best solution for this cases?

Do you have actual requirements or models that needs to get the input from a classifier? Just for your scenario, the current piepline is perfect for your needs.

I want to use the input from the classifier to not do the inference of the models of all makes. I only want to get the model net of the detected vehicle make.

I still don’t quite understand your needs. Can you illustrate it in detail through the pipeline and graph?

I want something like this, but the model nets only inference if the make net classify as this model.

We don’t support this feature yet. But you can customized that by referring to our nvinfer source code.
You can focus on the operate-on-class-ids parameters in the source code to implement your scenario.


There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

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